About me

I was born and raised in Eastern Europe in a small but beautiful Country-Moldova.A little bit about our food:

Mamaliga , a hard corn porridge, is regarded as the national dish. It is poured onto a flat surface in the shape of a big cake and is served mainly with cheese, sour cream, or milk. Non-Moldovan inhabitants joke that Moldovans would be unhappy if they could not eat mamaliga once a week. The main foods in daily life are a mixture of vegetables and meat (chicken, goose, duck, pork, and lamb), but the availability of vegetables depends on the season. Filled cabbage and grape leaves as well as soups such as zama and the Russian borsch also form part of daily meals. Plăcintă is a pastry filled mainly with cheese, potatoes, or cabbage that often is sold on the streets

We have a lot of delicious meals,and i started to cook when i was probably 2 grade,and of course decided to make cake,as i see it right know:Flour all over the place,a sticky dough that ended up in the garbage can.But after my first culinary mistake i decided to try easier recipes,and my mom was greeted every afternoon or dinner with a nice meal.MY grandma was a head cook in one of the day cares in town,so probably from her i inherited love for food and cooking
As i moved to USA  a lot of possibilities showed up here:year round fruits and veggies,cheap meat,mix of cultures and ethnic food.O la,la!My head started to spin...I was in loved with sushi since the day i tasted it.
Firs job in US was  at a pizza place where i saw how real pizza is made and tasted first time the junk food:fried dough,chicken tenders which left me indifferent ...
I need to mention i love fishing,hiking and outdoors,and some dishes may be picnic style,but i ll post indoor meals recipes too,So be ready:)

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