Friday, October 8, 2010

cake Nostalgy

We used to make this cake back home as the easiest cake when we wanted something sweet.IT is easy to make and sooo sweet!!!
They sell big wafers in russian store and not only,i think.Also you ll need dulce de leche in russia is "zgushenka" and crushed walnuts that is it.If you can find Dulce de leche,follow Alton Brown recipe for it.


  1. chiar nostalgie- imi aduce aminte de casa- pacat ca nu avem magazine rusesti pe aici....Torta e interesanta, "guscheonka" cred ca poate fi inlocuita de "condensed mink", nu?

  2. da desigur poti folosi condensed milk sau in magazinele mexicane au dulce de leche ce e identic cu zgushyonka noastra:)

  3. Yum Yum will try these dishes.
